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Gramstandard Military Surplus

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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  Gramstandard Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:15 am

SVW Echo Class Aircraft Carrier
Gramstandard Military Surplus Svwechoda1
SVW Mammoth Class Anti-Battle Tank
Gramstandard Military Surplus Svwbthk8

Air Force:
SVW Revolution Class Fighter Jet
Gramstandard Military Surplus Svwrevolutionlk9
SVW Thunder Class Bomber
Gramstandard Military Surplus Svthunderjz5[img][/img]
SVW Thunder Class Reconnaissance Fighter
Gramstandard Military Surplus Svwninjaej4
SVW Eagle Class Fighter Jet
Gramstandard Military Surplus Sveaglekc6
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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Re: Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  THeOutland Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:00 pm

this is going to be fun with exchange rates
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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Re: Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  Aidsboat Nation Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:41 pm

Oh damn....those are for sale? Sweet! A new level has been added to this military thing. After a couple weeks, when everyone's settled in and got their militay together, we will have War Games!!
Aidsboat Nation
Aidsboat Nation
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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Re: Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  Apanii Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:09 pm

I think newer nations are going to be continuously outnumbered. A military should be no more than 5% of the population unless service is compulsory or you have a high percentage of poor people (poor people are more likely to join the services). Which would put all three branches of my military at about 9mill. I suppose it's quality, not quantity that matters though lol.

Are we all in the same spot, technologically speaking? My nation is near-future tech. Mostly modern stuff we're all used to with upgrades (ex: the firing mechanisms on our M16s aren't likely to fail even though the M16 is notorious for having a dumpy firing mechanism). Better night vision, smoother animation of video screens and instant video phones. It's nothing terribly fancy and it's mostly technology that applies to civilian life or military intelligence and not necessarily active battle.
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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Re: Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  Guest Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:06 pm

I consider Haightstock to be near future tech, with it's urban farms and robotic technology.


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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Re: Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  THeOutland Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:31 pm

i know the Outlands use future tech with high military spending and cheap labor to make

and 2 meter high super soldiers
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Gramstandard Military Surplus Empty Re: Gramstandard Military Surplus

Post  Aidsboat Nation Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:19 pm

I don;t think anyone would settle for anything less than Near Future Tech Wink

Concription - Obligatory for 6 months of training and three 8-month tours for each male member of the population between 18 and 25

Exception: If you go to a 4-year university, upon completion of your degree, you must spend total of 4 months medical/fire/rescue/ training and participate in a local Firefighting, coastguard or EMS agency for a total of 5,000 volunteer hours before turning 40.

These measures ensure that Aidsboat will have a pool the size of almost half of our population to pull from in the event of a draft who are trained in Combat, battlefield and emergency medicine, and rescue.

Current Active Duty Strength hovers around 3.5 Million.
Aidsboat Nation
Aidsboat Nation
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