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Country's Sports?

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Country's Sports? Empty Country's Sports?

Post  Guest Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:07 pm

So what kind of sports do you have in your country?

Boarding of all kinds is popular in Haightstock, from surfboarding to hoverboarding. There's also rainforest rappeling, in which racers traverse the thick Haightstock rainforests, leaping and jumping to branch to branch. And there's our also very popular Drunken Fist matches, in which the participants are actually drunk...


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Country's Sports? Empty Re: Country's Sports?

Post  Aidsboat Nation Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:33 am

It's all about the Soccer in Aidsboat. And Rap battles. Lots of Rap battles.
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Country's Sports? Empty Re: Country's Sports?

Post  Peecekeeper Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:59 am

We like to settle civil war the peecekeeper way, play it out on Killzone 2, Call of duty 4/5, or Halo wars(even if thir not sports.). We also have low grav dodgeball, since we live on the moon. Also, paintball and football.
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Country's Sports? Empty Re: Country's Sports?

Post  Apanii Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:19 pm

Our national sport is called Batting Ours in Blackfoot and it's very similar to shinny (the teams are actually called shinny clubs). It's played with a stick about three feet long with a curved end and a ball that's about the size of a baseball (softball size and longer hooks are used for youth shinny teams). The goals are about 300 yards apart and the object is to bat the ball over YOUR OWN goal. The game is played with little padding and often results in serious injuries. Shinny Hooligans are also never to be trifled with.

Traditional Blackfoot gambling games and bone games are also quite popular and during the Apaniian Pride festival held every year, the best gambling teams in the country get together and play each other and are judged on their gambling songs.

Apaniian Rules Basketball (Called Rezball in the US) which is basketball, but with less rules and is generally far more aggressive and much more quickly played than American Rules Basketball

Hockey, also a national staple

Rugby. Apaniians really like games where people could potentially lose teeth.


Save the Queen. A traditional Blackfoot game that used to be called "Cree Woman" up until 1912 when it was deemed that the term was offensive. An even number of players are required, but there is no limit to how many people can play. Players pair off and the individual pairs are actually teams (so in one match, you could have 10 teams). The only equipment is a softball sized ball. Play begins when the ball is tossed in the air. You pass the ball back and forth with your partner while all the other players try to get you to drop it using any method except physical interference. When the ball is dropped, you're allowed to be physical as all players dive for the ball. Once it's in someones possession, normal play resumes. One point is generally given for each completed toss (IE: you throw to your partner, and s/he catches the ball then they throw it back to you and you catch the ball, that's one circuit and one point) and 30 points deducted from the team that drops the ball.

Rodeo sports. Apaniians are obsessive about rodeos. Wild horse riding, stealing horse games, circuit races, cattle roundups and horse tricks are all popular attractions at a typical Apaniian rodeo.

Football (Soccer)
. Soccer is called football in Apanii and it's interesting to note that there is no American Rules Football played in Apanii and the sport is the subject of many jokes due to how regulated play is and how much padding is worn.
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Country's Sports? Empty Re: Country's Sports?

Post  Aidsboat Nation Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:31 pm

Goddammit you have a lot of free time, and a knack for RPing your nation.

*bows head in respect*
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Country's Sports? Empty Re: Country's Sports?

Post  Apanii Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:22 am

Aidsboat Nation wrote:Goddammit you have a lot of free time, and a knack for RPing your nation.

*bows head in respect*
lol I write A LOT of fiction. Anyways, all those sports I listed are either readily recognizable RL sports, readily recognizable RL sports if you're native (see: rezball) or they're actual traditional Blackfoot games (Batting Ours and Save the Queen/Cree Woman)
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Country's Sports? Empty Re: Country's Sports?

Post  Fonzirelli Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:34 pm

In Fonzirelli all we play is soccer and tennis.

For soccer we play indoor in the winter, grass in spring and fall, and sand soccer in the summer. We have our own premiere league on all surfaces as well as a national team, too bad this team has never played; but it exists.

For tennis we play on the beach in the summer, (look it up it exists irl), grass in the spring, clay in the fall, and hard court in the winter.


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Country's Sports? Empty Rugby!

Post  neoaustrosul Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:21 am

Rugby is the most popular sport!
Soccer, swimm, tenis, volleyball, and bocha are the others


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