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Annouce Your Candidacy

Rat Racecar
Aidsboat Nation
Lower Land
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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:58 pm

I have noticed that many people are unhappy with my leadership so I now call for an Election for the Presidency. So although I do not think we should do this, but the people do so, if you want to run for President, annouce it here.

Lower Land

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:58 pm

I am running to continue my position as President. And I also know Aidsboat wants to run.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Aidsboat Nation Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:12 pm

Indeed, I announce my candidacy officially.
Aidsboat Nation
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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Rat Racecar Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:51 pm

Don't you both need a VP on the ticket as well?

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:00 pm

I choose Rat Racecar to be my VP candadite.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Apanii Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:25 am

Lowerland- Why don't you think it's a good idea if all other positions were voted for? It seems pretty diplomatic to me.

I'm not sure we should vote for VP though, didn't we already do that?
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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Meadowdale Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:19 am

I would like to announce my candidacy.

And perhaps we could have the person elected President choose his VP from his fellow candidates.


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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Fonzirelli Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:12 am

Choosing from the fellow candidates is a solid idea, but could we make it the person with the amount of votes just after the president?


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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Rat Racecar Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:33 pm

Fonzirelli wrote:Choosing from the fellow candidates is a solid idea, but could we make it the person with the amount of votes just after the president?

There's the issue of conflicting ideals between the winner and runner-up that could impede the progress of the region. The President and VP should have the same goals.
On that note, shouldn't there be only one candidate per political party? We've never discussed this (right?) but isn't that partly why we set them up in the first place?

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:21 pm

To the one candidate per political party point, Rat Racecar is correct. Why doesnt everyone go to their Party Stations and work out a nomination for a Presidential Candidate and a Vice Presidential Candidate.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Meadowdale Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:31 pm

Will Independents be Free Agents of sorts? They would be able to offer themselves to run under the banner of any party.


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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:33 pm

Thats a good idea. If Independents want to run with a party, then they can do so, or they can run as Independents. It is up to them.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:36 pm

Well, it seems that there are no more nominations. From what we have now, the Post-Partisan Party and the Assembly Coalition are not nominating candidates, while Meadowdale is running on behalf of the Democratic Socialists and Aidsboat is running on behalf of the Independents. Are there any members that want to run on behalf of the PP or the AC?

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Aidsboat Nation Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:28 pm

I think the VP SHOULD be the member with the second most votes. That would provide another level of check and balance, and shouldn't be TOO MUCH of an impediment, since they don't really share any duties.
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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:36 pm

No, I do not agree. The candidates should choose their VP candidates. If we had the VP be choosen from the candidate in 2nd place, there would be two nations with different views in the Executive Branch. There would be conflicting ideas.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Unholy Tendencies Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:46 pm

I'm going to have to agree with Lower Land on this issue. The President should choose his VP. Besides overseeing Congress, the VP is there to take over for the President should anything happen to him/her. Our President will be elected by a majority vote, I am assuming. If something should happen to the President, the VP will take his/her place. I, myself, would not want the person taking the place of the President to have major conflicting political ideas. It is meant to be a smooth transition, if chaotic times should arise.
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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Meadowdale Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:05 pm

Well considering there aren't that many conflicting political views within Free Society and it's not like it's that fucking serious as it would be with real politics, I feel VP should go to the second place votegetter.


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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Rat Racecar Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:40 pm

That's not really the point. If you come in second, you lose. Losing doesn't equal "second-highest position in the region." The Presidential candidates should choose who they want, someone who they can work well with and someone they trust.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:45 pm

Rat Racecar, I have noticed that you are very good at telling someone tht they are wrong. And at times, it is kind'a funny....

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Meadowdale Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:20 pm

It would have been funny, provided he was right.

And while that would normally be the case, RR, I don't believe it should be. We have a system here that is based almost entirely on appointments, aside from a few elected positions (footnote on this later). So maybe we should actually choose something by popular opinion now, especially since this is for a leadership position.

Footnote: Even positions that should be elected were not so at all times. Rather, it was decided by our leader that the best person for the job of Congressman was someone who had just joined the forum and had less than 10 posts on the forum at the time. Gg.


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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:32 pm

*Let me repeat what I have said before. I stand by my appointment. No matter what you say about my Congressional apointment, I will give you the same response I have given. I STAND BY MY APOINTMENT. My answer will not change. The phrasing of it woont even change.

*Lets say "Bob" was President. If "Bob" were to resign for some reason, he would want his successor to continue the policies he was working on. He wouldnt want his succesor to completely disagree with what his policies were and to stop them all and start ones that he disagreed with.

*And Meadowdale, to the thing you said about not many conflicting political views with FS, the majority of the public are obviously not too happy with my policies of leadership so..... Yeah, I would say that me and some people are having conflicting views.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Batiska Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:37 am

I agree with LowerLand. VP and president must work on the same way, so we cannot let the vote result to decide who will be the team. But on the other hand, I think a candiate to be president must decalre who will be his/her VPand cannot change his mind except if he/she resigned of the function of VP.

I will not be candidate to the president function. Not because I'm not interested, but it requires too much time and tasks. I wish the best for our region and I don't feel being the good one. Also, I wasn't there this week and don't understand why we are on election for President. From my point of view, you did a great job and are the founder of the region. I'm afraid to see someone taking the function without the real understanding of what it means. Anyway, we will see that during the election process.

My concern is about the Congress who's working bad. That's why I founded AC. I think what the region needs is an Assembly where members can debate, but with rules.
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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Rat Racecar Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:13 am

Batiska, click HERE if you want to find out how the election process began.

About the Congress, I think that it's had a rocky start, but hopefully we can smooth out the legislative process in the near future (maybe by finally ratifying the Constitution...?). If it ends up not working at all, we'll try something different. Making a perfectly functioning government is hard.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Lower Land Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:44 pm

I am once again throwing my hat into the ring, not as a Democratic Socialist Candidate, but as the incumbent President.

So the Candidates are:

Lower Land (Incumbent)
Meadowdale (DS)
Aidsboat (I)

Assembly Coalition and Post Partisan Party have no candidates running.

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Annouce Your Candidacy Empty Re: Annouce Your Candidacy

Post  Fonzirelli Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:17 pm

Fonzirelli will run for AC if you need more candidates


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