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Regiment Central

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Regiment Central Empty Regiment Central

Post  Gramstandard Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:03 pm

The central headquarters of the Free Society's Ministry of Defense.
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Aidsboat Nation Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:03 pm

In order to get a better grasp on our military capabilities (and help everyone get a little more involved in the role-playing aspect) I'd like everyone to list their military capabilities here. List like this:

Army Infantry: (list professional soldiers, conscripts, if any, reservists)
Army Mobile Artillery: (tanks, artillery, troop transports, ect)
Naval Ships: (how many of what kind of ships, and how many sailors for each ship)
Naval Aircraft:
Airforce: (How many of what kind of aircraft and pilots)

List total active, total reserve, and total mechanized units, and any sort of creative specialties from your nation, including nuclear capabilities.

Here's a forum to help:
Aidsboat Nation
Aidsboat Nation
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Aidsboat Nation Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:10 pm

Also, you should limit your Total Active to about 3-4%, reserves to 1%, and give information about conscription (how long and what ages) or draft (how many could you draft) Don't allow total numbers after a draft to exceed 8%, which is what it was for the US throughout WW2.

Any more than that would lead to a depopulated country, civil unrest and a failing economy.

Another Link (read the section on Godmodding):

Take some time, do some research, and be creative and reasonable. This isn't something you have to throw together in 15 minutes. We'll set the deadline at next Wednesday.
Aidsboat Nation
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Gramstandard Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:33 pm

How is size of the military determined?
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Aidsboat Nation Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:42 pm

However you want. If you were running a country(which you are) what would you want it to be. How much of your population do you wanna tie up in the military? Given your country's history, including conflicts, vicories and losses, civil uprisings, governments, ect, what kind would you have?
IE Japan lost WW2 after a big build up, now they have none. US has large one as reminent from a century of war and the Cold War. Germany has a substantial military, even though they lost, ect.

Look at your country description for a little help (mine told me I Aidsboat has compulsory military service.
Aidsboat Nation
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  THeOutland Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:42 pm

MEN distribution
Total: 1,400,000 men
soldiers: 40,000
tank crews:30,000
artillery crews:34,000
support crews:36,000
equipment crews: 40,000
Air Force:280,000
support crews:110,000
Reserve: 220,000
Draft Capability: 380,000
tanks 7000
3,800 med tanks
3,000 heavy tanks
200 light tanks (this means i'm not Italian)
artillery 10,400
3,000 self propelled
7,000 towed
14 railroad

APT 10,000
6,000 Humvee
2,000 troop crawlers
2,000 storm runners (Bradley equal)

supply trucks 15,000
tanks 5500
3,300 med tanks
2,000 heavy tanks
200 light tanks (this means i'm not Italian)
artillery 1,200
4,000 self propelled
8,000 towed

APT 10,000
2,000 Humvee
8,00 amphibious assault vehicles

warships 87
4 carriers
20 cruisers
60 destroyers
3 attack subs

supply ship 400
supply trucks 15,000
air force

fighter jets 70,000
fighters 50,000
figther-bombers 20,000

bombers 49,000

stealth bombers 2,000
standard 1,890
ultra 110
stealth fighters 200
heavy bombers (flying fortresses etc.) 3,000
supply trucks 30,000
warships 2,000
204 carriers
786 cruisers
1100 destroyers
naval aircraft1020
fighters 400
bombers 530
torpedo bombers 90

supply ships 500

here a lot of the equipment is spare my country can't quickly produce that stuff so we hold it in mass. this is doesn't include defense structures like turrets and similar sites which are police and civilan run and are found in much of country. also many of the numbers are categories that list totals the forum just "fixes" my bullet spacing

Last edited by THeOutland on Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Aidsboat Nation Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:21 pm

Good Work!! First Military Listing....and what a fearsome one it is Wink
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  THeOutland Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:36 pm

i know my military is very large for a nation of my size but you see in my country's stats military is huge part of government spending.

i had it all spaced out in a bullet format but game auto "fixed it"
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Gramstandard Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:22 pm

Do transport vehicles need to be listed?
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  Aidsboat Nation Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:03 pm

If they are property of your armed forces.
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Regiment Central Empty Re: Regiment Central

Post  THeOutland Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:17 pm

i just added them with my supply transports it is easier that way
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