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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Guest Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:46 am

Hello I am of the Noble House of Conri, ruling house of the people of Eavan.

Plesent days and long nights to the nations of Free Society!!!

A long time ago our people were virtually wiped out by a plague that had killed most of our population. A few thousand children between the ages of 5 years old and 7 survived. Our civilization at that time you see was quite advanced, and our people had forsaken the balance of the natural world. Amongst turmoil and ruin the surviving children of our people banded together and formed fierce gangs, but still lacked the skills to flourish and survive on their own. Oddly enough the canines of our people were immune to our own man made plague allowing a symbiotic relationship between the "family" pet and the children who saw them as equal parts of their family.

Well to cut a long story short, we were among chaos and it was then that the wolves sought us out. We followed them into the forest and our young were taken in by the pack. The wolves saw how we lived and noticed how similar we both were. Ideas were exchanged and we learned of their ways. We hunted with them. We hid our treasures among the forest. We learned of the balance of the natural world we were so ignorant of in the past.

And then we were displaced!
Another tribe had began to enter the forest, taking from it what was not theirs. Despite our best efforts we eventually had to move.
Our people along with what remaining canine packs wandered for several centuries, unable to call any place home.

40 years ago the wolves of our people wandered and found the scent of Conri, our prophet.
It was Noble Conri, King of wolves and Oracle of Eavan who promised us the land we lost so long ago.
A place we could call home.

It was he who told us to follow the Tri stars in the sky untill we found our pack.
Today our prophet has died, and we stand here ready to accept our promised land.


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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Apanii Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:41 am

To: The Honerable and Esteemed Leaders of Eavan
From: The desk of Her Royal Majesty Queen of Apanii
Subject: Welcome to Licentia
On behalf of Myself and all of Apanii, welcome to Free Society and the island of Licentia! I am intrigued by the origins of your nation as in Apanii, we too learned our social skills and how to live, work and play as a People from Omahkapi'si, the wolf. Please do not forget to allocate property on Licentia on the claims map so Eavan can be added to the political maps of Licentia and Free Society (currently, K and L are available). At your leisure, please fill in your information in Free Society's census and if you have, or are making a factbook, please inform Me via My office where you can also vote on our regional flag on Friday. Prosperity and long life to your people and your country.
Her Royal Majesty Queen Sarai Otahkoapi'si Aakiiksi Crowfoot, Minister of Cultural Development for the Free Society Region
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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Aidsboat Nation Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:30 pm

So now we have two Native American Themed Nations who put a godless amount of detail into their nation....YIPEE!!! Im excited to have such good role players here....make me feel lame....

Well anyway WELCOME! Smile
Aidsboat Nation
Aidsboat Nation
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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Apanii Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:40 pm

Aidsboat Nation wrote:So now we have two Native American Themed Nations who put a godless amount of detail into their nation....YIPEE!!! Im excited to have such good role players here....make me feel lame....

Well anyway WELCOME! Smile
well Eavan is more of a Buddhist Monk kinda vibe. You'll see once Ryry gets to RPing his nation a little more, he's like a real life zen-Buddhist pirate, it's pretty awesome. Although, I'll admit that I'm like...SUPER Indian even though I'm a halfbreed so it's possible that I've rubbed off on him a bit Very Happy
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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Aidsboat Nation Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:42 pm

I got an indian Vibe from the whole wolfpack scenario...but zen pirate sounds almost even cooler...especially RAISED BY WOLVES!!
Aidsboat Nation
Aidsboat Nation
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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Apanii Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:46 pm

Aidsboat Nation wrote:I got an indian Vibe from the whole wolfpack scenario...but zen pirate sounds almost even cooler...especially RAISED BY WOLVES!!

Yeah, it's how he is IRL unless he's drunk, and then he's more of a ninja with the climbing of non-climbable structures and whatnot lol
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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Aidsboat Nation Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:49 pm

But ninjas CAN climb the unclimbable....more like a sneaky jungle cat failing to scale a brick wall....
Aidsboat Nation
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Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan! Empty Re: Greetings from the Holy Empire of Eavan!

Post  Apanii Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:51 pm

Aidsboat Nation wrote:But ninjas CAN climb the unclimbable....more like a sneaky jungle cat failing to scale a brick wall....
lol. FFS Aidsboat, I feel like I'm chasing you around the forums. THREAD TAG, YOU'RE IT!
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